Wednesday, June 11, 2008

humairah -- kemerah-merahan ( the rosy one )

I know this particular entry would be late -- in fact it's 3 months late... well.. better late than never. My colleagues have been regularly updating their blog about their baby's development etc2... and they have been telling me, get on the bandwagon and get on the road with this blogging thing. As usual the heart is willing ( and excited ) but the mind is just not... This blog was set in February 2007 and guess what I could remember neither the username nor the password to enter it... Anyway, here's me attempting to regularly update my blog...

February 22/2/08

Humairah binte Mohamad Iskandar -- the name of my lil princess. Born today at 1336 hr. She came to see the world after i experienced about 4 hrs of pain in the delivery suite, weighing a healthy 3.565 kg. During my 3rd month scan, my husband was elated to know that Im expecting a girl. So, it was agreed that Humairah would be the name of our princess. Humairah was the nickname that the Prophet Muhammad pbuh had for his youngest wife -- meaning the rosy one. True to her name, my princess came out looking very "red" in the face...

Well, three months on....

Humairah is a very happy, chubby baby. We are very blessed as she is quite an easy baby to look after. She has got into this routine of feed, play and sleep routine ( come to think of it, which baby doesnt anyway) which the whole family is accustomed to. Given that she has been around for only about 3 months, she has travelled far; well not too far actually, JB ( a few times ), ayer hitam, KL and most recently Port Dickson. With her on total breastfeeding, travelling is not so much of a hassle, no need for thermos of hot water, container of milk powder.. I was very blessed as I got to enjoy a 4 month "maternity" leave, 3 months of real maternity leave + a month of school holiday.. talk about good timing. Clever lil princess...

When Humairah was in her 2nd month, she started cooing and we had fun engaging in purposeful "conversations" with her. However, she always ended up with hiccups though -- some so loud that she could be heard all the way from the kitchen... She has now started a new habit -- drooling... making her brothers irk at the sight of the falling "rain".

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